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Aim — to study the dynamics of brain stem volumetric parameters in women from the early adulthood period to the middle old age according to magnetic resonance imaging MRI data. Material and methods. The material for the study was the MRI data of 94 female patients. The MRI was prescribed to exclude a probable pathology of the central nervous system in these patients.

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Wall post. Sex and the City vs. Following in the footsteps of the earlier post-feminist and women-focused Sex and the City, Girls explores numerous feminist themes in an attempt to answer the question of what it means to be a young white woman in modern American society. But what kind of post-feminist narrative is created in Girls? How does post-feminism develop in the series? We argue that, compared to SBG, Girls offer a new approach to portraying the lives of young American women on television, re-articulating and re-mobilizing existing concepts of postfeminism.

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